• Urgent Care

    For Sick Visits, Injuries, And Minor Emergencies

    Save your spot up to 24 hours in advance when you book online.


    Walk-Ins Welcome

    Get easy, convenient care for minor urgent care, illnesses, and injuries from highly skilled Nurse Practitioners with trauma and Emergency Room expertise. For shorter wait times, our dedicated Walk-In providers are ready to serve you when you need care fast.

    Ear, Nose & Throat

    Flu, strep, ear infections

    Head Pain

    Headaches, migraines, dizziness

    Sexual Health

    STI testing, pelvic exams

    Gastric Pain

    Pain, diarrhea, constipation

    Body Pain

    Body aches, joint pain

    Women's Health

    UTI's, yeast infections

    Allergies & Reactions

    Itchy eyes, runny nose, rash

    General Unwell

    Food poisoning, fatigue, malaise

    Acute Infections

    Fever, sinus, respiratory

    Wound Care

    Splints, stitches, burns

    Foreign Body Removal

    Safe removal of lodged objects

    Skin Health

    Rash, warts, skin tags

  • Schedule your walk-in visit up to 24 hours in advance with online booking.

    broken image

    SPLINTING: While we are not equipped with X-ray services at this time, our team can evaluate suspected fractures and provide high-quality splinting for stabilization. If an X-ray or further treatment is needed, we will refer you to the appropriate facility.

    BILLING FOR CLINICS: Because we're a clinic, patients with in-network PPO plans can save on the high cost of urgent care copays. If you're not in-network, ask about our competitive self-pay pricing! We can almost guarantee it's cheaper than the ER!

  • Telehealth

    Schedule a virtual visit with a care provider

    Common concerns addressed via telehealth:


    Allergies, Sinuses

    Chronic Disease

    Stress, Anxiety

    Common Cold

    Rash, Bites, Stings
    Pink Eye, Stye

    Medication Refills

  • Contact Us

    12635 W State Hwy 29, Liberty Hill, TX 78642
    Monday–Friday, 7 am – 6 pm
    Saturday, 9 am - 1 pm
    Closed Sunday

    5/6 Memorial Day
    7/4 Independence Day
    9/1 Labor Day
    11/27 Thanksgiving
    12/25 Christmas Day
    1/1/26 New Years